2012年7月30日 星期一

VIZup Optimizer

Optimize 3D models for real-time visualization (by polygon reduction). Decimates the number of polygons, in result reduces 3D file size and increases 3D rendering performance. Utilise existing CAD-data to 3D product presentations or to virtual training scenarious. Evaluate different LODs and freely rotate the the model together as well zoom in on specific details. Supports VRML format.

From our customers:
I've tried out several commercial polygon reduction tools in the past, and this is easily as good or better than them. It's extremely simple to use and the polygon reduction is great. Very useful for simplifying models made with nurbs or metaballs. It reduced a high-poly vrml model from 617kb to 115kb with practically no difference in appearance. I had to check the wireframe view to be sure of what I was seeing lol. Congrats on a cool tool :)

"Great program, and best of all free." While only supporting one format and you can not view your model with the program. It is still awseome! The reduction methods are great and high poly models when reduced, arn't butchered and can signifitly reduce the polycount with out major quality reduction. Cheers to the developers for this great program (and making it free ;)) mus have for any modeler.

We are right now using XXX (one very expensive reduction tool) and I tested your software and it worked good. In some case better (preserved more details) and in some case a little bit worse. But in total I was very impressed. We want to use CAD files and we all know how much work it is to opimize CAD for real-time. Since there are a wide range of different CAD formats we have to select a format that everybody can export to and I guess that is VRML or maybe stl.
