2012年7月26日 星期四

Suicidator City Generator 附屬於Blender的城市產生器

Suicidator City Generator (SCG) is a popularBlender addon.
With it, you can automatically create entire, three-dimensional modern cities in a matter of seconds by adjusting various parameters, such as city size and complexity, rather than creating each building and each texture manually.
The master concept of SCG is uniqueness: each generated city is unique. You can greatly alter the look of a city simply by changing a few parameters.
SCG is optimized, and can generates very complex-looking cities with minimal memory footprint, so even modest computers can run it. More robust configurations can generate cities that spread to the horizon.
Since it is run from within Blender, making cities with SCG doesn't have to end at the generator's limits. You can always tune a generated city while enjoying the editing power and comfort of Blender.

Suicidator City Generator(有免費下載)
