2012年7月30日 星期一

樹木產生器 TreeMagik G3

The price of TreeMagik G3 has been reduced from $49.95 to $19.99.
Low-poly and high quality 3D tree creation has never been easier. TreemagikG3 introduces new breakthroughs in tree creation. With TreemagikG3 you'll be able to create some of the most beautiful 3D trees for your games, and all within seconds.
Design and shape tree trunks, right down to the very vertice. Import branches and limbs into your creation, then cover the joints in leaves, it's that simple. TreemagikG3 also allows the designer to import and mould root systems on the base of their tree creations.
The software features a 'Leaf Painter' system, you can select from a large amount of leaf materials and begin creating your very own tree textures directly from inside TreemagikG3, ensuring that your trees are unique and personalized.
'Level of Detail' (LOD) exporting is a major new addition, allowing you to create high-poly trees, and then a second highly optimized model is automatically exported, often with a 90% less polygon count then the original. Also added is 'Billboarding', supporting 2 or 4 polygon tree meshes.
An innovative 'Preview' mode allows you to witness your tree creations directly within TreemagikG3 without having to export the tree first. You can make all the adjustments you want before exporting your final creation.
These are only a few of the features TreemagikG3 offers. We suggest downloading the demo and checking out the screenshots.
