2012年11月12日 星期一

開放原始碼的 Torque 3D 引擎





2012年10月11日 星期四

Maker3D 遊戲引擎

這是一個跨平台3D RPG的遊戲建構軟體,強調不需要任何程式設計經驗就可以使用。創造遊戲的時候也不需要其它編譯器或額外的工具,這可能意味著可以一個人創造出自己的遊戲,我想這非常適合想要自己建立遊戲的玩家來使用。




Blitz3D 遊戲引擎

Blitz Research Ltd is a software development company dedicated to bringing you the ultimate in games programming tools.

Our latest product is Monkey, which targets the hot platforms of the moment - including iOS, Android, the web (Flash and HTML5), Xbox 360, Windows Phone 7, and more! Please see the dedicated Monkey website for more details.

We also offer the hugely popular and successful Blitz range of products, which this website is dedicated to.

Our latest Blitz product is BlitzMax, a programming language that can compile for Windows, Mac and Linux. BlitzMax is the ultimate programming language for desktop apps - it's powerful and extendable language means there is a module for just about everything.

Our other Blitz products are Blitz3D for 3D games, and BlitzPlus for 2D games and simple GUI apps. Both are highly suited to beginners to games development.

Blitz3D 遊戲引擎

Goshawk's game life 網站

Goshawk's game life 網站

2012年10月3日 星期三


作為包括2K Games,騰訊,Firaxis,索尼以及NCSoft在內的業界頂尖開發者的主要選擇之一,Gamebryo已經被證明了是眾多成功遊戲堅實、可靠的基礎。



2012年10月2日 星期二

Game Creation Resource 網站



3D gamengines.com 3D遊戲引擎網



GameRes 遊資網



2012年9月30日 星期日

Esperient Creator

The Esperient platform is an end to end simulation based learning design and development toolset comprising Esperient TeamSpace, Esperient Creator, Esperient Show, Esperient AgentSDK and Esperient Analytics. The Esperient-PTAV team have helped a variety of teams build over 300 simulation based training systems. As we have worked closely with our customers we have observed their needs, requirements and pain points.


Famous3D proFACE Complete

[Mocap]三大部份,它提供了3D 動畫製作軟體,可以很完美的整合,讓你透過這個
著訊號衣服後將表演者的表情動作快速的整合到電腦 Model之中,讓你減少自行編
輯所花的時間,而且更可以讓使用者的動作完全與 Model合而為一.


3D Coat 是一套專為遊戲模型而開發出來的模型設計軟體,它專注於細節的雕刻和



Luxology modo

Modo 是由 Luxology 公司所研發,在 MAC 與 PC 作業系統上的一種革命性的全方 
位 3D 繪圖軟體,使用的是 Sub-Ds 技術核心,無論是 3D 模型製作 3D Modeling 
、在模型上彩繪〈Painting〉、快速擬全彩現〈Rendering〉,甚至是3D 雕刻工具 
〈3D Sculpting tools〉、動畫製作〈Animation〉等功能一應俱全;此外, Modo 

3D 模型製作 Modeling 
Modo 使用的是非常先進的細分曲面技術〈Subdivision Surface,Sub-Ds〉迅速建 
立 3D 模型。Sub-Ds 除了可以精確的製作建築或是機械等幾何造形設計之外,對 
於自由型態的有機型體〈Organic〉 的製作更是容易又快速,尤其是合併使用雕刻 

3D 雕刻工具 Sculpting Tools 
雕刻工具是 Modo 的一項強大模型編輯功能。使用的類型有兩種,一種是真實改變 

在模型上彩繪 Painting 
Modo 的彩繪功能提供使用者在3D 模型環境裡一種最自然的繪畫創作。強大的性能 
Modo 擁有噴槍、各式筆刷等彩繪工具,就像是Photoshop之類的影像軟體一般,可 
供使用者自在的直接於3D模型上作畫、製作遮罩等工作!Modo 強大的UV 展開工具 

擬全彩現 Rendering 
Modo 擁有目前市面上最強大、速度最快、品質最好的即時預覽功能,可以在操作 

動畫製作 Animation 
Modo 是理想的動畫製作軟體,不論是提案用的產品展示動畫或是其他各類型的動 
畫,皆能輕鬆以 IK 的功能製作出栩栩如生的效果。Modo 的動畫功能可以修改任 


Project messiahStudio Pro

角色動畫工具 彌賽亞超強渲染器。完整的角色動畫工具,STUDIO帶材質和渲染, 還有
非常好的非線編。STUDIO的渲染,材質類似XSI的概念,也是節點傳遞類型。 還附帶了
直在悄悄地用在電影,廣告,遊戲,音樂視頻和印刷廣告超過10年 ;現在是市場上增長
程式可以做小部分。 messiahStudio可以作為一個完全獨立的動畫和渲染包裝,或者作
為一個強大除了Modo的,瑪雅,3DMAX實現,Softimage XSI 7.0的,光波, c4d或一個
內部的專有應用,通過廣泛的動畫出口能力(的FBX, MDD的,科利亞達), 主機連接

而無需編寫腳本褪黑素。和救世主的“聰明的骨頭” ,即你想要的方式工作,立即,而



N-Sided Quidam Studio

Whether you are making your first steps in the 3D world or you are an experienced professional in modeling, QUIDAM is the ideal solution to quickly produce high-quality, optimized and original characters.

Quidam Studio 3是由 N-Sided最近剛推出的新版本,這個軟體可以快速的給我們提
流社區,即使你沒有使用過先前的版本, 那麼你也可以一個非常直觀和明確的用戶
介面快速上手,所有的項目都集中在一個面板上, 我們可以快速的選擇一個基本模


2012年9月27日 星期四

DX Studio 遊戲引擎

DX Studio is a complete integrated development environment for creating interactive 3D graphics. The system comprises of both a real-time 3D engine and a suite of editing tools.  Using DX Studio you can build complete real-time interactive applications, simulations or games, for standalone use or for embedding in other Microsoft Office/Visual Studio applications.


Source 遊戲引擎

Source combines leading-edge character animation, advanced AI, real-world physics, shader-based rendering, and a highly extensible development environment to produce some of the most popular computer and console games. These games deliver the most intense, visually-stunning gameplay experiences on modern hardware, while scaling smoothly on older systems, enabling developers to reach a diverse range of gamers.

Source engine

HeroEngine 雲端遊戲引擎

Making an MMORPG, or any other kind of online game? HeroCloud gives you everything you need to not just build your game, but also operate and distribute it

Full access to HeroEngine hosted in the cloud, along with integrated global billing and distribution platforms. Once your game is live, keep 70% of game revenues.

Operating the back-end is expensive and costly. Not to mention, involves a ton of server expertise. For just $99 a year, let HeroCloud take care of the back-end, while you and your team focus on making

We've had teams publish their online games in less than 15 months, start to finish. No downtime -- everything you build works instantly. Log in from anywhere and build your game in your

Via stand-alone executable client, streaming or social media client or web browser. You choose pricing and distribution partners. We make it work for you!


2012年9月10日 星期一

Cocoa China 遊戲開發頻道(中文)


Cocoa China 遊戲開發頻道

WorldCraft 場景編輯器

Worldcraft is a graphical level editor you can use to make your own maps for Valve Software's Half-Life.


2012年8月27日 星期一

Leadwerks Engine

Leadwerks Engine lets you write cutting-edge games in C, C++, and Lua script. We provide an easy-to-use command set with simple functions and a design that makes sense.

Leadwerks Engine is loaded with powerful features to make game development easy and fun.

Leadwerks Engine

GEOCONTROL (三維地形生成軟體)

The revolutionary concept of GeoControl2 opens up totally new dimensions of creating virtual landscapes.

The unique combination of more artistic tools and semi-scientific algorithms makes it possible to create realistic, breathtaking landsapes, based on conceptual layouts or on fantasie.

The creative tool "isolines" is completly selfdeveloped and offers the first time the opportunity, to creatively control the form of the landscape.

The interventions are none destructive, layerbased and you can allways, also afterwards, readjust, switch off or change an isoline or layer.

The artistic "shape" filters give the landscapes a typical structure, like round hills or ridged mountains.
The semi-scientific erosion algorithms turn these outlines into fantastic realistic and so believable landscapes.
Beside that flows, rivers or even river networks can be added to the terrain. The algorithm is unique, extrem fast and satisfies even scientific requierements.

But landscapes are not only defined by nature. The human factor also is a very important element. The "vector" tool "simulates" this part of a landscape. You can use it to integrate roads, urban areas or even controled rivers.


L3DT - Large 3D Terrain Generator

L3DT is a Windows application for generating terrain maps and textures. It is intended to help game developers and digital artists create vast high-quality 3D worlds.

L3DT - Large 3D Terrain Generator

2012年8月20日 星期一

《Hailan Rising》免費的Unity大型MMORPG遊戲

《Hailan Rising》的研發主要是與 Glass Egg 和 Mixamo 兩個公司合作,並且是業界第一個運用了 Unity 3D 遊戲開發工具,和 Mixamo.com 的動畫系統進行開發,以大規模 PVP 為基礎的 MMORPG。

2012年8月17日 星期五

2012年8月9日 星期四



NeoAxis 3D Game Engine

NeoAxis 3D Game Engine
is an all-purpose, modern 3D graphics engine for 3D simulations, visualizations and games.The NeoAxis Engine Non-Commercial License is intended for non-commercial applications and for learning the NeoAxis Engine.Applications created with NeoAxis Engine can be run on Windows, Mac and Linux.

NeoAxis 3D Game Engine

2012年8月8日 星期三

Path of Exile《流亡黯道》 歐美經典暗黑風再現 (免費)

【遊戲基地記者╱orcsbase 報導】
《流亡黯道》是一款免費的網路 RPG 遊戲,整體風格相當黑暗,像是在陰森的洞穴裡,周圍的能見度會降低,讓遊戲過程變得相當刺激,此外遊戲中也沒有金錢的設定,若販賣物品給 NPC 則會獲得某些物品作為回報,像是辨識卷軸或是傳送卷軸的材料等等,而跟 NPC 購買物品也是用辨識卷軸這類的物品做交換,相當特別的設定,另外戰鬥方面也相當爽快血腥。

全文網址: 試玩/《流亡黯道》 歐美經典暗黑風再現 | 多人線上遊戲 | 電玩達人 | udn數位資訊 http://mag.udn.com/mag/digital/storypage.jsp?f_ART_ID=404744#ixzz230rFJqxo
Power By udn.com 

Zynga拚轉型 押寶行動遊戲


全文網址: Zynga拚轉型 押寶行動遊戲 | 多人線上遊戲 | 電玩達人 | udn數位資訊 http://mag.udn.com/mag/digital/storypage.jsp?f_ART_ID=405747#ixzz230p2jQEn
Power By udn.com 

亞馬遜開發社群遊戲 槓Zynga

亞馬遜(Amazon)已成立新的社群遊戲開發部門,名為「亞馬遜遊戲工作室」(Amazon Game Studios),6日並在臉書上推出首款社群遊戲「Living Classics」,跨足遊戲製作產業。

全文網址: 亞馬遜開發社群遊戲 槓Zynga | 網路衝浪 | 線上漫遊 | udn數位資訊 http://mag.udn.com/mag/digital/storypage.jsp?f_ART_ID=405995#ixzz230oSg6Zs
Power By udn.com 

VIE 虛擬娛樂島

VIE™: Virtual Island of Entertainment™, a 3D virtual world with social game elements, is set on an island where people can meet, play and participate in live events, games, quests and mysterious adventures.

MMORPG Reviews 網站


MMORPG Reviews

Unity 4 的新特色

1.Mecanim, simple and powerful character animation technology
2.Unity add-on for Adobe Flash Player – a major global platform for your game
3.Publish to Linux and a market ripe for awesome Unity games
4.Visual Fidelity and AAA Rendering to achieve the artistic style of your desires
5.Key workflow updates to efficiently turn your ideas into a completed game

The Next Game Changer

2012年8月6日 星期一


DIYGamer Indie game news, reviews, previews and everything else concerning indie game development.

GameDev.net  is the leading resource for game developers, featuring daily news updates, over 1500 featured articles and tutorials, and the most active game development forums anywhere!

Metaverse Journal  The Metaverse Journal is a site devoted to bringing an Australian perspective to virtual worlds.


Unity 4 的Mecanim角色動畫功能介紹

Mecanim是一個完整的遊戲角色動畫統包方案(turnkey solution) , 它讓你完全不需要耗費長時間的開發來整合到第三方插件的中介軟體(middleware) . Mecanim原生就能整合到Unity引擎, 且具有最佳化, 從編輯器, 您可以取得要製作動畫資產所需要的工具, 直接在遊戲中產生...

Unity 4 的Mecanim角色動畫功能介紹

World of Tanks 使用BigWorld引擎做出來的遊戲

World of Tanks is a team-based massively multiplayer online game dedicated to armored warfare in the mid-20th century. Throw yourself into epic tank battles shoulder to shoulder with other steel cowboys to dominate the world with tank supremacy!


BigWorld 遊戲引擎

BigWorld Technology provides developers of online games a competitive advantage by significantly reducing risk, cost and time to market. The BigWorld Technology Suite includes a highly scalable and stable server, robust next-gen client, content creation tools, a library of 3rd party plugins, full support, and other accompanying tools. Games powered by BigWorld include World of Tanks, Realm of the Titans, Kingdom Heroes, and 38 Studios' Amalur sequel MMO Copernicus.

BigWorld Technology

3Dchat 線上虛擬世界

3Dchat® is the web's newest online virtual world® and MMO game. You can explore, and interact with other 3Dchat® members in our highly customizable virtual world® environment. The ever growing world is a fun place for people to meet, play and have fun.


DRUID's Animation Lab 不錯的Blender 3D 、Unity 3D、3D max、Maya部落格

德魯依動畫實驗室 Blender 3D 、Unity 3D、3D max、Maya、動畫相關資料

DRUID's Animation Lab

2012年8月5日 星期日

Twinity 網站

In Twinity's free 3D world and 3D chat community, you can create your own avatar, party with friends, dress-up, go shopping and interact via 3D chat and animations. Get creative and design your virtual apartment in an authentic real virtual city or create your own island to host parties, flirt and lead an extraordinary life! Join now and discover the possibilities of Twinity's virtual universe.


Twinity – what is it good for?
Chunks of Twinity go offline in map-data fiasco by Tateru Nino

ExitReality 網站


Hiperia 3D 藝術家建立的網站



Sketchup 相片建模_小木屋

2012年8月3日 星期五

3D Game Textures: Create Professional Game Art Using Photoshop

Game artists, architects, simulation developers, web designers and enthusiasts alike can learn to create everything from bricks to books in Photoshop with this step-by-step instructional guide. Because texture is 99% of what a gamer sees when playing, this topic deserves considerable coverage but has gotten little attention. Unlike anything on the market, this book is the first of its kind to provide an in-depth guide to game texturing with hundreds of high-quality examples. This guide teaches everything a game artist will need to know--from researching textures, basic artistic principles, tools and techniques, to specific step-by-step tutorials that explain how to create textures for a myriad of environments. The goal of this book is to give the reader a guide that will actually help them secure a job as a developer/artist-even providing them with images created using the tutorials that can be used in a portfolio.

* Learn everything you need to create stunning, professional textures from one easy to follow guide which features tutorials and over 500 high-quality images
* Follow the step-by-step tutorials to learn how to create suitable images which you can add to your portfolio and WOW prospective employers
* Companion CD includes sample textures and electronic versions of images you saw in the book-all the tools you need in one place!
* Hit the ground running or get a leg up on the competition with the tips, tricks, and real world examples featured in this comprehensive guide --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

3D Game Textures: Create Professional Game Art Using Photoshop

Cinema 4D 3D套裝軟體

CINEMA 4D Studio is the very best that MAXON has to offer for professional 3D artists. If you want to create advanced 3D graphics but need a helping hand to ensure you create jaw-dropping graphics quickly and easily, then this is the choice for you. More...

CINEMA 4D Broadcast has everything you need to create dynamic broadcast graphics quickly and easily. If you are a motion graphics artist looking to add 3D to your existing suite of tools, then this is the ideal choice for you. More...

Whether you need to visualize a mobile phone, a building, a car or anything else, CINEMA 4D Visualize provides everything you need to produce fantastic images and animations quickly, easily and to any level of realism. More...

Renowned for its ease of use, speed and professional results, CINEMA 4D Prime is an ideal choice for all graphic designers looking to add 3D to their toolset. More...

Wouldn't it be great if you could have all your favorite image editing tools in a single 3D environment? Wouldn't it be great if they worked in conjunction with your 3D application rather than against it? Well, that is exactly what BodyPaint 3D does! More...

Cinema 4D


本書是根據不同的主題,從亞洲銷量最大的電腦繪圖雜誌──《CGWORLD》中節選出相關文章,再彙編而成的書籍。從最基本的人體結構比例到皮 膚質感,以及各種不同年齡性別該有的特徵,乃至於服裝配件設定全部網羅其中,利用建模與素材等3D技巧,教你將想像中的人物具現出來。書中邀請3D領域中 的專業人士,分享他們的創作技巧與心得,再搭配鉅細靡遺的文字及圖片按部就班一一解說,淺顯易懂!讓你一窺電腦繪畫中「3D人物製作」的奧妙,進而輕鬆自 在徜徉人物製作世界!
【Chapter 1】製作人物角色的全身部位
【Chapter 2】製作臉部  創造表情
  為各位詳細解說包括臉部在內的頭部各部位的建模、用紋理來呈現肌膚質感、以及使用Blend Shape(混合變形)及Skeleton(骨骼)進行臉部設定。
【Chapter 3】準備讓人物角色動起來


3D動畫制作面部特征與表情(3D animation,facial features and expressions)

本書首先教給您一些關于人類頭部構造、面部器官以及面部肌肉的基本知識,然後告訴您如何利用3D來建立人物的面部模型和肌肉組織,以及如何使動畫顯得逼真 生動。本書還詳細地講解了口型動畫以及如何把語言和聲音融入各種各樣的表情(如悲傷、高興、結巴等等)。此外,書中還提供了許多利用加權變形創作人物表情 所需要的變形目標、典型的音位發音姿勢、卡通表情範例、面部表情範例以及一些僅供娛樂的卡通表情。在這一版中,還新增了兩章,教您如何運用3ds Max和Maya這兩種軟件來制作面部表情動畫。所有這?技術都可以應用到您親手制作的游戲角色、各種各樣的動物以及其它動畫角色中去。


2012年8月2日 星期四

Making Things See: 3D Vision With Kinect, Processing, Arduino, and MakerBot

This detailed, hands-on guide provides the technical and conceptual information you need to build cool applications with Microsoft’s Kinect, the amazing motion-sensing device that enables computers to see. Through half a dozen meaty projects, you’ll learn how to create gestural interfaces for software, use motion capture for easy 3D character animation, 3D scanning for custom fabrication, and many other applications.
Perfect for hobbyists, makers, artists, and gamers, Making Things See shows you how to build every project with inexpensive off-the-shelf components, including the open source Processing programming language and the Arduino microcontroller. You’ll learn basic skills that will enable you to pursue your own creative applications with Kinect.
  • Create Kinect applications on Mac OS X, Windows, or Linux
  • Track people with pose detection and skeletonization, and use blob tracking to detect objects
  • Analyze and manipulate point clouds
  • Make models for design and fabrication, using 3D scanning technology
  • Use MakerBot, RepRap, or Shapeways to print 3D objects
  • Delve into motion tracking for animation and games
  • Build a simple robot arm that can imitate your arm movements
  • Discover how skilled artists have used Kinect to build fascinating projects

Making Things See: 3D Vision With Kinect, Processing, Arduino, and MakerBot

Professional Unity and C#: Multi-Platform 3D Game Development

The first professional book on Unity, the multi-platform, dynamic 3D game engine
As a dynamic, graphically rich 3D game engine, Unity3D stands out from its competitors because it works on nearly every desktop and mobile platform. This book is the first of its kind to offer a technical look at professional-level programming of games using C#. You’ll begin with learning how to install Unity3D and gradually move on to more advanced coding topics in C#. Each object is introduced, applied to the code, demonstrated through examples, and added to an example game that is built upon throughout the book. By the end of the book, you will be encouraged to create a game and upload it to a site where other users can view and comment on it, cultivating the learning process through constructive criticism and interaction.
  • Explains how to maximize the unique capabilities of Unity3D for programming games
  • Discusses advanced coding topics concerning working with C#
  • Highlights creating shaders that will manipulate the way graphics are rendered by the game engine
  • Extends the reach of the book beyond the Unity3D user base by discussing how Unity3D is an ideal way to break into the social Web site market
  • Addresses a plethora of C# questions
  • Demystifies Unity3D co-routines and the yield statement in a clear and concise manner
Whether you use this book as a tutorial or reference manual for working with Unity3D and C#, you will most certainly find it to be invaluable.

Professional Unity and C#: Multi-Platform 3D Game Development


如果你是一位CG Artist,你是否覺得整個世界的進步跟令人激賞的演出都像是一場創意與設計的「追逐」遊戲,就像這一期封面的主題「The Chase」一樣,過程精彩又刺激。

「映CG MEDIA」也正在整個多媒體、動畫、遊戲的文創產業中追逐著瘋狂的創意,竭盡所能地挖掘每個作者的創新與視覺設計的效果表現呈現在讀者的眼前,InCG 已經從In Computer Graphic逐漸轉換到In Creative Geek (瘋創意),我們期許各位讀者可以從每一篇文章中瘋狂的挖掘作者用心的創意與設計,激盪你的大腦靈感,幫助自己成為更具創意的藝術家,為世界建築更美麗的 心靈與樣貌!



2012年8月1日 星期三

X3DV Module Suite For Netbeans IDE VRML/X3D的免費開發環境

Current Version: 2.0
© 2008 by hiperia3d.com ®  Author: Jordi R. Cardona.

The X3DV Module Suite is a free set of modules to code in X3D and VRML, the open standards for interactive and immersive 3D on Internet. With it, you can create virtual worlds in 3D, using the great edition features of Netbeans.

Suite Includes:
Language and files support for X3DV
Language and files support for VRML
Code Palette for X3DV
Feature List:
You can edit and create new X3DV files inside Netbeans.
With the 2.0 version, you can also create and edit VRML world files.
Brackets and quotes completion.
Icons for X3DV files and VRML files.
Syntax coloring that makes editing easier.
A practical palette of x3dv code that will make you build worlds faster.
A button to show the palette.

X3DV Module Suite For Netbeans IDE

3ds Max 或 3ds Max Design 適合我使用嗎?

答:如果您主要從事娛樂業,而且需要 SDK,請選擇 3ds Max 2010。除了沒有 Exposure 照明分析工具 (有助於取得 LEED EQ Credit 8.1 認證) 外,3ds Max 擁有 3ds Max Design 的所有功能。
如果您主要從事建築、土木工程或製造業,而且不需要使用 SDK 自行建立外掛程式,請選擇 3ds Max Design 2010。除了 SDK 外,它擁有 3ds Max 2010 的所有功能,而且包含新的 Exposure 照明分析工具 (有助於取得 LEED EQ Credit 8.1 認證)。
Autodesk 3ds Max Design常見問題

3D-SCAPES 景觀軟體

3Dscapes was founded to help our clients Visualize the true potential of a Landscape Design.

3Dscapes has the Goal to Design your Paradise at home! Your home is the ultimate expression of who you are, which is why your landscape should be as well-appointed, warm and inviting as the interior. Your landscape is a major investment that will increase the value of your home and add hours of outdoor enjoyment for years to come. You want to make sure your future backyard is perfect down to the smallest detail. Most Landscape Companies offer flat 2D drawings of designs. While these plans and printouts give you an overview of your design, important details are often difficult to understand. 3Dscapes takes designing to another level with real life 3D Artistic renderings. For example, have you considered how your new landscape will enhance the view from your kitchen? Have you thought about how the color and surface of the decking will match your house color; or how the arrangement of lights will help you enjoy your yard at night? How will your maturing trees provide shade throughout the day? No flat drawing can properly show these details. But 3Dscapes can and will give you the fully rendered experience you need, to make the important decisions about your investment.

2012年7月31日 星期二

Turntool 互動式3D場景建構軟體

Our goal is to make high performance, high quality and interactive 3D accessible to everyone!

TurnTool is a Danish company devoted to the development of the best realtime 3D graphics software on the Internet. We provide the software that enables you to visualize architecture, products or even landscapes.

Our drive is the ideology that cool software should be available to everyone. Combined with a sound business model it makes TurnTool the most accessible 3D technology available today.



Virtual Reality Modelling Language pronounced as vermal and its started to use in year 1995. Initially, this is also called by a name Virtual Really Markup language. This is a standard language which is used for interactive simulation with in the world wide web. It allows to represent 3-dimensional interactive vector graphics and a “virtual worlds” networked via internet and hyper linked with the world wide web.
VRML is  text file format Which able to design vertices  and edges for 3D polygon  with any of the specified color. It is also used to perform UV mapping  which create the 3D models of the 2D image. VRML files are commonly called with a name of “worlds”  and have .wrl extension. VRML worlds contain the text format so that it easily compressed by using the gzip and compressed file transfer through internet more quickly.
VRML  architecture include the Input processor, Simulation processor, Rendering Processor and World Database. Input Processor is used to control the input information to the computer e.g. Keyboard, mouse, 3D position trackers and a voice recognition system. Simulation Processor is the heart of Virtual Reality system. It takes the user input along with a number of task that are programmed with it and determine the actions that will take place in the virtual environment. Rendering processor  is used to create sensation that are output to the user. World Database is  also known as World Description Files. It store the objects that describe the actions of all those objects.
VRML is successfully used in various field like Entertainment, Medicine, Manufacturing, Education and training. In Entertainment, it is helpful in designing a more attractive and exciting virtual environment. In medicine, used to perform the practice test of surgery, surgery on remote patient and teach new skills in a safe, controlled environment. In manufacturing, used to make a low cost and highly efficient products. In education and training used to driving, flight, ship and tank simulators .




X3D is a royalty-free open standards file format and run-time architecture to represent and communicate 3D scenes and objects using XML. It is an ISO ratified standard that provides a system for the storage, retrieval and playback of real time graphics content embedded in applications, all within an open architecture to support a wide array of domains and user scenarios.

X3D has a rich set of componentized features that can tailored for use in engineering and scientific visualization, CAD and architecture, medical visualization, training and simulation, multimedia, entertainment, education, and more.

The development of real-time communication of 3D data across all applications and network applications has evolved from its beginnings as the Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) to the considerably more mature and refined X3D standard.

X3D Features at a Glance

  • XML Integrated: the key to integration with:
    • Web Services
    • Distributed Networks
    • Cross-platform, inter-application file and data transfer
  • Componentized: allows lightweight core 3D runtime delivery engine
  • Extensible: allows components to be added to extend functionality for vertical market applications and services
  • Profiled: standardized sets of extensions to meet specific application needs
  • Evolutionary: easy to update and preserve VRML97 content as X3D
  • Broadcast/Embedded Application Ready: from mobile phones to supercomputers
  • Real-Time: graphics are high quality, real-time, interactive, and include audio and video as well as 3D data.
  • Well-Specified: makes it easier to build conformant, consistent and bug-free implementations

X3D Supports

  • 3D graphics and programmable shaders - Polygonal geometry, parametric geometry, hierarchical transformations, lighting, materials, multi-pass/multi-stage texture mapping, pixel and vertex shaders, hardware acceleration
  • 2D graphics - Spatialized text; 2D vector graphics; 2D/3D compositing
  • CAD data - Translation of CAD data to an open format for publishing and interactive media
  • Animation - Timers and interpolators to drive continous animations; humanoid animation and morphing
  • Spatialized audio and video - Audio-visual sources mapped onto geometry in the scene
  • User interaction - Mouse-based picking and dragging; keyboard input
  • Navigation - Cameras; user movement within the 3D scene; collision, proximity and visibility detection
  • User-defined objects - Ability to extend built-in browser functionality by creating user-defined data types
  • Scripting - Ability to dynamically change the scene via programming and scripting languages
  • Networking - Ability to compose a single X3D scene out of assets located on a network; hyperlinking of objects to other scenes or assets located on the World Wide Web
  • Physical simulation and real-time communication - Humanoid animation; geospatial datasets; integration with Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) protocols

Adobe Director

Adobe® Director® 11.5 and Adobe Shockwave® Player software help you create and publish compelling interactive games, demos, prototypes, simulations, and eLearning courses for the web, Mac and Windows® desktops, DVDs, and CDs. Integrate virtually any major file format, including FLV and native 3D content, for the greatest return on your creativity.

Adobe Director

BodyPaint 3D 彩繪軟體

Wave goodbye to UV seams, inaccurate texturing and constant back-and-forth switching to your 2D image editor. Say hello to hassle-free texturing that lets you quickly paint highly detailed textures directly on your 3D objects.

When it comes to texturing tools, BodyPaint 3D is packed with a huge array of popular image editing tools. Brushes, selection tools, filters, erasers and much more. It can even utilize Photoshop .abr brushes. Full support for tablets ensures that painting with a pen feels just as natural as it does in popular 2D image editors. And of course BodyPaint 3D can deal with image files as large as 16k and with 16-bit and 32-bit color depth.

Compared to 2D painting, perhaps the most exciting feature BodyPaint 3D offers is projection painting. This powerful mode eliminates the need to spend hours creating perfect UV maps. You simply paint what you would like to see on your 3D model, apply the projection and then BodyPaint 3D will quickly adjust your painting so it fits your UVs perfectly - even if there are differing UV sizes and seems.

BodyPaint 3D was created for all 3D artists and includes free plugins to connect with 3ds Max, Maya, Softimage or LightWave 3D. All other applications can exchange files with BodyPaint 3D using one of the numerous available file formats (e.g. OBJ, FBX or COLLADA).

BodyPaint 3D

Autodesk® Mudbox® 3D 數位雕塑與繪圖製軟體

3D 數位雕塑與數位繪製軟體

Autodesk® Mudbox® 3D 數位雕塑與數位繪製軟體能讓您自由創作量產用的 3D 數位藝術品。Mudbox 是專為遊戲發展、視覺特效、後製的專業藝術工作者所設計,並結合直覺式的使用者介面與強大的模板與筆刷創作工具集,其強大的功能集及高性能的環境能幫助您在較短的時間內創造超級擬真的 3D 角色建模、引人入勝的環境、風格化的道具,以及令人信服的概念設計。可用於 Mac®、Microsoft® Windows® 及 Linux® 作業系統。世界級的 3D 雕塑工具集 — 創造迅速、順暢且精確的結果。
  • 世界級的 3D 雕塑工具集 — 創造迅速、順暢且精確的結果。
  • 在高解析度 3D 模型直接繪製 — 立即看到結果。
  • 繪製多重材料頻道 — 在多個高解析度貼圖繪製與檢視材質的強大工具集。
  • 紋理烘烤 — 建立精確的法線、位移和環境封閉貼圖。
  • 互動式顯示 — 直接在視埠中彩現優質結果。
  • 3D 圖層 — 實驗各種設計概念,輕鬆修訂。
  • 密切整合 — 可與 Autodesk® Entertainment Creation Suites 2013 中的產品往返資料,而且與 Adobe® Photoshop® 軟體的相容性更高。
  • 產品內社群 — 可使用免費*的設計工具資源庫。

(轉載)Reallusion levels-up iClone5-for-games; partners with Unity Technologies at Game Developers Conference 2012

Media Contact:
John Martin
Product Marketing VP
Reallusion levels-up iClone5-for-games; partners with Unity
Technologies at Game Developers Conference 2012

March 7th 2012, San Francisco, CA - Reallusion premieres the iClone Animation
Pipeline with Unity game development support featuring game-ready character
design, animation and motion capture at Game Developers Conference 2012.
“Reallusion now connects game developers and designers of every skill level
to our real-time 3D animation tools and game-ready content library”, said
Charles Chen, Reallusion CEO.  “ The iClone Animation Pipeline enables
independent game developers to level the playing-field with an affordable
solution to design, animate and export FBX characters for games.”
Unity, Unreal, Autodesk and more software users can import, characterize and
animate their characters in real-time with the iClone Animation Pipeline. Create and
export actors as custom FBX game-characters and performances using the trio of
products included in the iClone Animation Pipeline: iClone5, Mocap Plugin &
3DXchange5. The iClone Animation Pipeline also provides a content solution for
game developers with access to Reallusion’s real-time content store of gameoptimized models including many pre-made and fully customizable thematic
character designs, accessories and scene props.
"Reallusion's iClone5 is an impressive character creation, animation and
motion capture toolbox for Unity developers. Unity welcomes Reallusion as a
showcase partner for GDC 2012.” David Helgason, CEO Unity Technologies.
Reallusion and Unity Technologies (www.Unity3d.com) partner at GDC to showcase
iClone real-time animation advantage for Unity game developers. The iClone
Animation Pipeline is a complete character animation solution for animators and
non-animators with tools designed to quickly animate actors and bring character
performances to life.   iClone5 offers innovative HumanIK puppeteering, real-time motion capture and
editing tools to speed up the animation process.  Download Unity 3.5 free
● See the iClone Animation Pipeline GDC demo reel featuring iClone5
characters, Kinect motion-capture & Unity characters:
● Reallusion will introduce the iClone Animation Pipeline in the Unity Theater on
Wednesday, March 7th at 4PM.
● The iClone Animation Pipeline is on exhibition during the 2012 Game
Developer’s Conference (GDC), San Francisco March 7th-9th booth 2137.
Visit Reallusion at GDC and experience a total real-time solution for
characters, motion and content creation for games.
iClone5: 3D Characters
iClone for games streamlines character design with game-optimized actor bases,
photo-to-3D actor head creation and character clothing customization. Generate
multiple character appearances from body-style and facial feature morphs.

iClone5: Animation
Animate characters with HumanIK enabled puppeteering enhanced with actor
motion library.
Animation tools accompanying iClone5’s motion capture include  a slider-driven
body motion puppeteering mixer, HumanIK enabled Inverse and Forward
Kinematics and motion layers. Mix and blend motions from within Reallusion’s
character animation library to create custom performances from thematic motion
packs like Action Hero, Arguments and Communication  Game developers have the
option to create character motion from a library, as motion capture or from
automated and freestyle motion blending.  Character animation and character
models export to video game engines, such as Unity3D in FBX format.

iClone5: Motion Capture
Motion capture with Kinect for Windows and iClone introduces real-time mocap for
game developers. iClone5 simplifies animation with instant Kinect-mocap recording,
playback and editing. Reallusion, a partner in Microsoft’s Technology Adoption (TAP)
Program launched support for the Kinect SDK simultaneously with the launch of
Kinect for Windows Feb 01, 2012.  iClone5 is the first commercially and production
ready animation tool to adapt the Kinect SDK.  Microsoft is showcasing iClone5
motion capture animation during the Kinect Accelerator tour in NY, LA, Seattle, SFO
& Boston.

iClone: 3DXchange5 Customize, animate and export to Unity. Import FBX characters and characterize
them for iClone animation and motion capture.  iClone 3DXchange5 imports 3D files
and converts them for use inside iClone.  Imported FBX characters’ bones are
quickly mapped to iClone’s bones and then are ready for animation.  Animate your
game characters in iClone and export as FBX for use in Unity3D and other game
engines.  Reallusion is a featured GDC Unity3D partner.

iClone: Content Library
Reallusion’s 3D asset marketplace and content store equips developers with instant
access to high-quality game props and character designs.  Access theme packs for
collections of war, sci-fi, and more 3D models.  iClone’s content library expands the
motions in iClone with mood and action based packs.  Generate motions for game
characters from the mix and blend motion capture files and create your own custom

iClone’s pipeline for games provides a powerful solution for 3D, real-time-optimized
game character design, character animation and a massive library of motion packs
ready for adding life to your game characters.

The iClone Animation Pipeline will be available for purchase May 2012 for $799
commercial license.  iClone5, Mocap Plugin & 3DXchange5 more info:

About Reallusion
Developers of real-time animation software and digital imaging technologies,
Reallusion opens the threshold of animation creation with tools for first-time
animators and professionals that emphasize digital actor creation, lip synch facial
animation, simplified motion capture and a total animation production studio.
Reallusion’s flagship product, CrazyTalk introduced the ability to make any photo
talk in 2001.  Reallusion’s facial animation core now also drives iClone, 3D real-time
animation software featuring 3D digital actor creation, body puppeteering, facial
animation and motion capture with Kinect for Windows.  Reallusion software gives
everyday creative storytellers a way to create and share their animations on
YouTube.  Professionals can apply their skill with the same tools create broadcast
HD animation as those seen on ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel LIVE and Comedy Central’s
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.  Partnerships with Microsoft, Intel, Unity, Google
and Nvidia fuse cooperation between Reallusion’s real-time tools and industry
leaders of tech, video games and digital content creation.  Reallusion’s software is
equipped with thematic content from the Reallusion City, a marketplace for content
creators and users of iClone and CrazyTalk to create, market and sell their custom
actors, props and animation assets.  Reallusion tools extend to the mobile arena
with iOS apps for iPhone and iPad featuring solutions from Reallusion’s digital imaging products.  Apps in the Top 10 in over 20 countries worldwide, Reallusion’s
Big Lens and additional photo apps have been featured by Leo Laporte on TWiT
(This week in tech) and WIRED’s Gadget Lab.

本來iClone定位在3D電影製作,這份文件宣示iClone對遊戲界的大力支援。 --Kap

Reallusion levels-up iClone5-for-games; partners with Unity Technologies at Game Developers Conference 2012 原文出處

Drawmino 骨牌遊戲




VRML Beans 畫2D轉3D場景的產生器

VRML Beans 2.0 allows anyone to create virtual reality worlds for their web sites. Objects are drawn onto a 2-D landscape, and VRML Beans converts the layout into a 3-D virtual world. Users can select the sky color, the ground texture, and the background music for their scenes. In addition, image files can now be added to worlds either as flat objects or as sprites.