2012年8月1日 星期三

X3DV Module Suite For Netbeans IDE VRML/X3D的免費開發環境

Current Version: 2.0
© 2008 by hiperia3d.com ®  Author: Jordi R. Cardona.

The X3DV Module Suite is a free set of modules to code in X3D and VRML, the open standards for interactive and immersive 3D on Internet. With it, you can create virtual worlds in 3D, using the great edition features of Netbeans.

Suite Includes:
Language and files support for X3DV
Language and files support for VRML
Code Palette for X3DV
Feature List:
You can edit and create new X3DV files inside Netbeans.
With the 2.0 version, you can also create and edit VRML world files.
Brackets and quotes completion.
Icons for X3DV files and VRML files.
Syntax coloring that makes editing easier.
A practical palette of x3dv code that will make you build worlds faster.
A button to show the palette.

X3DV Module Suite For Netbeans IDE
