2012年10月11日 星期四

Blitz3D 遊戲引擎

Blitz Research Ltd is a software development company dedicated to bringing you the ultimate in games programming tools.

Our latest product is Monkey, which targets the hot platforms of the moment - including iOS, Android, the web (Flash and HTML5), Xbox 360, Windows Phone 7, and more! Please see the dedicated Monkey website for more details.

We also offer the hugely popular and successful Blitz range of products, which this website is dedicated to.

Our latest Blitz product is BlitzMax, a programming language that can compile for Windows, Mac and Linux. BlitzMax is the ultimate programming language for desktop apps - it's powerful and extendable language means there is a module for just about everything.

Our other Blitz products are Blitz3D for 3D games, and BlitzPlus for 2D games and simple GUI apps. Both are highly suited to beginners to games development.

Blitz3D 遊戲引擎
